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log x

Log 1, ‘day’ 12

“Hello? This thing actually works, huh? Well uh … I’m Ronan. It’s been about … what, twelve days since I got trapped here? Is there such a thing as days? I’ve fallen asleep twelve times. Whatever, I’m glad I found this thing, being alone with my thoughts for twelve days with that god awful buzzing noise had me going crazy. I finally found a way out of those yellow rooms, though. There was this one, like, beige room with a table and a folder on it. I read through it a bit, but lord I’m so confused. What the fuck is a backroom? Like the place at your job with a water cooler? The pamphlet was talking about “levels” and “entities”. What the hell. It also told me how to “No Clip” which is fucking trippy, but I guess it worked because I’m in the warehouse now. Or level 1, I guess. Why is level 0 level 0 and not level 1? Do these MEG people know how numbers work? They say their base is in this level, so I guess I should try to find them.*Sigh* God I am so damn glad that there are no iridescent lights here. And no more yellow! I fucking hate the color yellow now. Anyways, I found this thing in a box that I’m pretty sure appeared out of thin air. One second I was walking normally, the next I was tripping over something I’m 100% sure was not there originally. In the box was, of course, this recorder. Along side it were some extra tapes, a backpack, a very very dull knife, and some sweet water. Why is all the water here sweet? I’ll take what I can get I guess. I’m gonna use this thing as a journal. Maybe I’ll find a way out. Or maybe I’ll find some beer.”

Log 2, ‘day’ 15

“Okay. So, I’m still here in the warehouse. No sign of the MEG base yet despite days of walking. I wish I could’ve had on some better shoes when I fell through my bed or, I guess, “no clipped” through my bed. These slippers are not exactly made for walking, but that’s just what I’ll do. Haha…*ahem* So, I did find some more things, but almost nothing of note. One box had a shattered car mirror and a singular potato chip. I didn’t eat it, by the way. It was very tempting, though. In another box I found a lighter and it works! I can light campfires now, which is good because this level can get cold as hell. Anyways, I’m exhausted. I’m passing out for the night.”

Log 3, ‘day’ 16

“Holy fuck. Oh my god. Shit. *panting* Christ. Whew…This fucking…some god damned... *wheeze*. Most of the lights turned off and I heard some random noise *cough* and something was growling and I looked and it was running at me so I booked it and fuck. Jesus. Okay let me calm down…Okay. So I was running and running and It just kept following me. I thought I was as good as dead, but I found a room with a door and I hightailed it in there and slammed the door so fucking hard I thought it might come off its hinges. The thing kept slamming into the door and growling. I guess it got tired because. It’s been quiet for a while now, but I am not going back out there. Not until the lights come back on. That was mentioned by some papers in the manilla room. Hold on, there was another pamphlet that talked about entities that I took. Let’s see. Smilers…no, they have bright glowing faces. Death-moths? Definitely not. Hounds…aha! That must be the one. They can be found in level 1, they growl, it gets aggressive when in it sees humans. Yeah that’s it. How do I, like, beat it? It says here, ‘Don’t run away from hounds the second you see one’…Oh, okay. Maybe I’ll read through these pamphlets.”

Log 4, ‘day’ 17

“I finally made it to that MEG base. Turns out, it was right by the entrance. I just went the opposite way. Hahaha…I arrived and holy shit I didn’t know how much I needed to see another person until I saw one. I nearly cried. I also didn’t know I could get emotional seeing a pair of boots, but anything is possible when you break the very fabric of reality. They took me in and explained a few things. So first off, I wasn’t supposed to take the pamphlets from that beige room, or the Manilla Room. Oops. Also, they provided me with some rations and more water, which I know now is called almond water. Doesn’t really taste like almonds to me, but whatever. Still no beer, though, which is pretty disappointing. And apparently it’s M.E.G., not MEG. They explained more of what the Backrooms is and I’m pretty sure it’s just hell. Y’know how there are different levels of hell? Pretty much the same thing as these levels. Oh, and did I mention that there’s no known way to escape this place? Like I said, this is just hell. Each level has its own class. Level 0 and level 1 are both class 1, which is like easy mode. Alas, things can never be easy for too long, because level 2 and 3 are a class 3 and a class 4 respectively. That’s out of 5, by the way. Christ. I guess there is a light at the end of the tunnel, though, because level 4 is a class 1. So many damn numbers. God.”

Log 5, ‘day’ 18

“I’m still here at the M.E.G. base alpha. I think I’m gonna stay here for a while. A few days at least. I know that eventually I’m gonna move on, I’ve never liked sitting around in one place for too long. Even if moving on is dangerous and might kill me. Woah…deep. To be honest, being a wanderer sounds pretty kick-ass. The M.E.G. even lets people join a group called the Volunteer Squad, though I think I’m just gonna be my own independent wanderer. They have a whole bunch of info here about the Backrooms, so I’m probably gonna spend these next few days here studying. I probably won’t record anything until I leave. They were kind enough to give me a pen and some paper, so I can write down some key points and take them with me. I’m not even in college anymore and I still have to do homework. At least I don’t have to pay back my student loans.”

*go back?* *go home?*